Building Code Clauses that are relevant to Voda Plumbingware products:

Contribution to Compliance
Voda Plumbingware products are in full compliance with the requirements as set out in the New Zealand Building Code, as follows:
Building Code Requirement Compliance Evidence
B2 (Durability)
B2.3.1 (c) applies
(B2.3.1 Building elements must, with only normal maintenance, continue to satisfy the performance requirements of this code for the lesser of the specified intended life of the building, if stated, or:                                                                                               (a) The life of the building, being not less than 50 years, if: (i) Those building elements (including floors, walls, and fixings) provide structural stability to the building, or

(ii) Those building elements are difficult to access or replace, or

(iii) Failure of those building elements to comply with the building code would go undetected during both normal use and maintenance of the building.

(b) 15 years if:

(i) Those building elements (including the building
envelope, exposed plumbing in the subfloor space, and in-built chimneys and flues) are moderately
difficult to access or replace, or

(ii) Failure of those building elements to comply with the building code would go undetected during normal use of the building but would be easily detected during normal maintenance.

As part of a plumbing system for supply of cold, hot or mixed water temperatures.

These products can be used in residential and/or commercial buildings where cold, hot or mixed  water temperatures hot water is required to be supplied.

Note differing warranty terms for residential and commercial.

Not suitable for use in areas which are being permanently concealed such as behind concrete.

No maintenance required apart from during normal course of use, although cleaning instructions are supplied as above.

Proof of durability – Service history

Voda Plumbingware products have been manufactured and supplied worldwide since 1969.

Warranty calls are at a minimum and within the quality standards of Voda Plumbingware.

All Warranty claims are investigated,  and corrective and or preventive actions are implemented.

Products that are WaterMark certified are subject to endurance testing.

G12 (Water Supplies)
G12.3.2 applies
G12.3.2 A potable water supply system shall be –

(a) protected from contamination; and

(b) installed in a manner which avoids the likelihood of contamination within the system and the water main; and

(c) installed using components that will
not contaminate the water.

Voda Plumbingware products uses components that have a variety of international product certifications, including WaterMark certified, are subject to “contamination of water” testing (AS/NZS 4020).

Where products are WaterMarked, this will include compliance with AS/NZ 4020.

G12.12.3.7 applies
G12.3.7 Water supply systems must be  installed in a manner that–

(a) pipes water to sanitary fixtures and sanitary
appliances flow rates that are adequate for the
correct functioning of those fixtures and appliances
under normal conditions; and

(b) avoids the likelihood of leakage; and

(c) allows reasonable access to components likely to need maintenance; and

(d) allows the system and any backflow prevention
devices to be isolated for testing and maintenance.

All Voda Plumbingware products are designed,  manufactured and inspected/tested,  that are, or are not  WaterMark certified, are subject to flow rates testing that is within the limitation set by the AS/NZS 3500 (NZBC) and the WELS regulations.

Where backflow prevention is required, these are supplied with Voda Plumbingware products, except where clearly specified they are not supplied.

NOTE Re WaterMark
WaterMark is not compulsory for the New Zealand market. The products listed in these WaterMark certificates, are specifically designated for use in Australia, with some in New Zealand as New Zealand can have differing water supply pressures.  It must be noted that all Voda Plumbingware products comply with the various requirements as stated above for the NZBC, New Zealand Building Code.
All Voda Plumbingware products are manufactured under the control of Voda Plumbingware Ltd who use various internal and sub contracting operations in the making of tapware using local and overseas supplied components.
Installation Instructions
Voda Plumbingware product installation is recommended to be done by registered plumbers.  Installation instructions are supplied with every product and is available on the Voda Plumbingware website.
Maintenance requirements
Service/cleaning instructions are available for download as mentioned above for all Voda Plumbingware products  and is available on the Voda Plumbingware website.
Limitations and use is specified in the technical information sheets obtainable from the Voda Plumbingware website, and differs by product.
Purpose and use
Voda Plumbingware products are for use with water supply systems that are for either mains pressure or Unequal pressure, as per the New Zealand Building Code and depending upon the model chosen.
Key information of each Voda Plumbingware product specification, features and benefits are available on the Voda Plumbingware website.
Warnings and Bans
There is no warning or ban applicable on any Voda Plumbingware products, subject to the Building Act 2004, Section 26.
Warranty terms and conditions.
All Warranty terms and conditions are available on the Voda Plumbingware website.